James Kase - RFC, CWS®
At Kase Financial Services, we look forward to working with you and assisting you in working toward achievement of your financial goals and objectives. We work with individuals, families, and businesses particularly concerned with their wealth management and wealth preservation. We work closely with our clients to help them pursue their goals according to their own time horizons. We truly value the relationship that we have with our clients. We consider them our friends and enjoy sharing our lives and experiences with them as we guide them through sometimes uncertain economic times. We have several events throughout the year for our clients and periodically conduct workshops for the general public, explaining our financial planning philosophy and teaching wealth management strategies. So please browse our website at your leisure and when you are ready to sit down with a personable and professional wealth management firm, we will be here for you.
You can contact us locally at (573) 468-4700 or (800) 348-9600 or cell: (314) 496-7249.